Terms of Use

The contents of homepage www.soproniidegenvezetok.hu (especially, but not exclusively: articles, monographs, other kind of scripts, graphics, videos, parts of texts – including this one as well -) are the copyrighted products of the authors indicated below according to Hungarian Law Nr. LXXVI of 1999 about Copyrights. All materials on this homepage, where the name of the author is indicated, are literary properties of the author.

All other contents of the homepage (especially, but not exclusively: articles, monographs, other kind of scripts, graphics, videos, parts of texts – including this one as well -) form the intellectual property of Szerdahelyi Zoltánné ev. (contractor, further indicated as Owner of Intellectual Property). The English translation of the homepage – including this text as well – is the intellectual property of Kőrös Ildikó.

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  • The charge of use is 10.000 HUF + VAT per day and per item of content. The owner of Intellectual Property is entitled to the charge of use for every day of use and every of the used items. In case the user provides the used items for other ones in return for other services, the user is obliged to give the profit over to the Owner of Intellectual Property
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